Lying to yourself

{ Posted on Thursday, April 29, 2010 by Sadid }
Sometimes, we just don't realize that we are lying coz sometimes the ones we are lying to is ourselves.

The Prophet once said,
Mankind will not perish till they make excuses for their conduct to themselves,

Sometimes, we do think that we are doing the right thing while it's clearly not, well that's certainly our ego being the better part of us.

Since the winter term started, I've only been into ENCMP 100 class twice. In case you don't know what that class is all about, it's about C++ programming. To be honest, I really don't like that subject even before it started (now that is certainly a bad sign) , after the first class, I found the lecturer to be sooooooooo boring, thus makes the subject even more annoying (at least to me). Then, it doesn't took much for my friends to say, "let's us don't ever go to this class ever again" to make me feel so happy~~

But, the thing is I don't even have any basic for the subject, I know I should go to class but I choose not to, and that feeling feels grows more and more as I was able to do the first two assignment on my own. As time past, things are getting harder, even my friends with basic in this subject can't handle it (that makes me....even worse). Long story short, the final exam was today, I had 4 days to study for it, and had no clue what I'm studying (seriously). What more can I say? I know I can prevent this, but I chose the wrong decision that time.

Anyways, it takes all that for me to really understand about people lying to themselves. For me, it's good enough that I realized it, and hopefully I can improve myself on my shortcomings.

3 Response to "Lying to yourself"

Eh, international students mmg suke ponteng eh. Hehe bukan ape,budak Egypt coursemate aku, aduhhh, punya la payah nk jumpe die time kelas programming. Kadang2 lecturer mmg membawa pengaruh untuk students datang atau x kat kelas die. Cuma nasib ko kat situ dapat lecturer yang memboringkan. Apa boleh buat..

ish..ade ker stereotype tu la, kne la buat ape yg patut dan ape yg perlu...hee~

owh ok nmpknye aku da silap..g komen tempat lain..ptot arrr..adeh..bru sedar