Danger !
{ Posted on Saturday, August 14, 2010
by Sadid
In this holy month of Ramadhan, I believe all of us are striving or rather racing with one another in doing good. InsyaAllah, may Allah reward and put us among those he blessed.
But, do beware of the traps set by the devils before they are being chained!
Since in this month, we searched for good deeds to do, we might do "deeds" that are not taught by the Prophet, " deeds" that we made on our own. This is very dangerous, as one might think it as a prayer (plus hoping for rewards from Allah) while it'll only gives you sins, and since one sees it as a prayer, the chance of the person to repent is almost zero. This is mainly because as time goes by, the person might get even deeper into his "worship", without realizing what was really happening. In other words, this is Bid'ah.
Do beware of what you do and may Allah protect us from such deeds.
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