Knowing Devils

{ Posted on Friday, September 18, 2009 by Sadid }

How do we protect ourselves from something we don't know?

Just like exams, if its chemistry, then read on chemistry, get to know the nature of it, if there is any thing that you just don't understand, go to your teacher, easy right?

So, before the devils (not Man United) come to us this Sunday or Monday, why don't we prepare ourselves with information on these devils so that we don't commit sins.

First of all, we need to know that they will never say no or never to you. For example, you feel like praying 2 rakaat prayer for the night before you sleep, it can be basically anything (taubat or hajat or anything), the devils won't say "don't pray", instead they'll say "why don't you go to sleep, then you'll be able to go for tahajjud plus the prayer that you want to perform right now", then you'll go to sleep and eventually miss both prayers. It's fine if its just a sunat prayer, but what if it's an isya' prayer?

Also we do need to know that the devil won't ask you to directly commit sins but they will slowly (in time) ask you to commit sins. For example, 1st they ask you to pray at home (not in jemaah) as it easier if you got things to do, then they will ask you to pray later and eventually you'll miss your prayers.

By saying so, we do need to prepare for their appearance starting this 1st Syawal. What can we do?

A brother suggest that we plan our schedule daily in risk management where the risk is committing sins. By doing so, we can always check daily whether or not we've achieved our target of staying away from doing sins. Other than that, we can just basically stay away from places of sins or fitna.

Whatever it is, do prepare yourselves for them.

~May Allah guides us all in His path~

3 Response to "Knowing Devils"

hoho.... aku ingat ko tido je tym khutbah td. :D


sadid... sadid... macam2...

bes kot khutbah td...hahaha